- Details
- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Books
A seven-year-old boy finds a doppelganger of him while playing in his backyard, and he does the worst he could've done; he brings him home.
- Hits: 68

- Details
- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
For every horror movie out there, there are about ten more that never got off the ground. It’s just the way it goes and any number of things can be responsible. There are production problems, studio execs lose interest, copyrights turn over… whatever the reason may be, a lot of great movies never get past the script stage: if they even get that lucky. Here (in no particular order) are our top ten picks for horror movies that had great potential, but never happened.
- Hits: 67

- Details
- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
Literature’s cutest characters are becoming horror icons as they slowly enter the public domain and producers snatch them up. The latest one is Bambi, a coming-of-age story about a deer growing up in the forest amid other cute woodland creatures.
- Hits: 63

- Details
- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
In a world gripped by a zombie apocalypse, where chaos reigns, one independent film is set to offer a unique blend of comedy, horror, and romance. As We Know It, directed by Josh Monkarsh, takes us back to the late 1990s in Los Angeles, where a struggling writer, James Bishop, finds himself navigating the ups and downs of a messy breakup while facing an impending apocalypse.
- Hits: 85

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Full Movies
A family gets lost on the road and stumbles upon a hidden, underground, devil-worshiping cult led by the fearsome Master and his servant Torgo.
- Hits: 72

- Details
- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
The A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise is as personality-driven as its contemporaries are not. A reasonably competent stuntman stand in passes muster for most masked maniacs. But not so the Springwood Slasher, who’s as quick with a crack as he is with a scratch of a knifed glove.
- Hits: 67

- Details
- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
My co-producer, Cameron Tremblay, and I graduated in the same film school class. He went to work in the locations department on big fancy American productions like Fringe, while I went to work in the sound department, taking whatever jobs I could get—usually unpaid, but sometimes they gave me fifty bucks and bought me a case of beer. And that was fine—you can’t expect to get decent paid work in the sound department straight out of school.
- Hits: 70