This is a guide documenting all sorts of "secrets" and references that can be found in the game Silent Hill. It has been done some years ago, by a very nice guy named Brian Mc Kay, with the contribution of the people of the old Evil-Online forums. (including yours truly, Mr. F.)
Note: all of Brian's original guide, including his updates) are in here, in normal lettering. My own updates and addendums are written in italic.
This is the forum that might be the best place for it; now, nobody can say that there's anything missing in here."HMMM, DIDN'T NOTICE THAT BEFORE . . . Interesting discoveries made about town.Silent Hill is a game that is extremely rich in atmosphere and pays a lot of attention to detail. From the businesses and street signs, to residential streets and alleys full of trash cans, it looks and feels like a real town.Most people will recognize right away that there are many tributes to horror writers, movies, and stories incorporated throughout the game.
For instance, almost all the streets are named after horror, mystery or sci-fi writers. Which are:
- Richard Bachman--actually Stephen King's pseudonym. Wrote "The Regulators".
- Ira Levin, who wrote "Rosemary's Baby".
- Dean Koontz, who wrote "Phantoms".
- Richard Matheson, who wrote "Hell House", as well as some Twilight Zone episodes.
- Michael Crichton, who wrote "Sphere".
- Ray Bradbury, who wrote "Something Wicked This Way Comes"
- Carl Sagan, who wrote "Contact", and is widely known for his theories regarding alternate realities.
- F. Paul Wilson, who wrote "Nightworld".
- Jack Finney, who wrote "Body Snatchers".
- Tom Weaver, who's a film historian and have plenty of books with on horror movies, such as "The Tingler"
- Robert Bloch, who wrote "Psycho".
- John Sandford, pseudonym of journalist John Camp, who wrote "Chosen Prey".
- Johnny Craig, artist and writer for plenty of "Tales From the Crypt" comics, also known for his work with Marvel and DC.( note: it could also be a reference to Craig Spector, co-writer of "Book Of The Dead"
- Dan Simmons, who wrote "Song Of Kali".Most of the authors' books that have been mentioned bear some influence on the story of Silent Hill (as well as other works from them, noticeably Stephen King).
If you want to know more about these works, then I say look it up.
Also, bear in mind that plenty of other works by a wide number of other authors can be taken as influences in Silent Hill--that's one of F's updates.
The owner of the motel in the resort area is named "Norman", after Norman Bates of "Psycho" fame.
- And the school is appropriately named "Midwich Elementary", Midwich being the name of the town from the "Village of the Damned" movies.
- Also the game seems to borrow heavily from the atmoshpere of two Stephen King stories in particular: "The Mist", a short story about a town being enveloped by, you guessed it, a mist that is swarming with weird monsters.
- And, the feeling of snowbound isolation found in "The Shining" is re-created extremely well in this game.
However, there are many little "discoveries" that I and other players have made that the casual observer might not notice. Some of these are funny, while others are just puzzling or downright creepy. I decided to include a list of them here. Some of these were first pointed out from other players on the message board at (Props to you all), which is probably the most active Silent Hill board I've seen by far.
Several others were ones I found on my own, after deciding to make an exhaustive search of the game's environments and look at EVERYTHING along the way. So here it is, and if you have any you'd like to add, mail me or post it to the board. Keep in mind that many of these will be impossible to spot unless you use the first-person view (which you have to finish the game at least once to get), and get up close to look at them.
Update: good old EO. Rest in peace.Update by the updater and the one who holds the rights over this here guide (with all due permission from Mr. McKay) : perchance there were uncovered things, and if so, this guide will be monthly updated, if there's anything to be updated, that is. Note that I'm the responsible of many of the discoveries added in here. If you wanna know what are they, go ahead and read on.
AUGUST UPDATE: Enjoy the guide with the wonderful screenshots provided by our camera man, Leone Viru, kindly known in here as SH CITYZEN.
Underneath all references listed, you'll find a link to the picture. But do you think that he has just photographed what's in here? Why don't you go to his site and take a pictorial ride around the town--not to mention some other things you'll like, for sure.
In the diner, there are posters next to the pinball machine that say "Study Dammit" with some hippie-looking guy pictured on them. He reminds me of Charles Manson, which may have been intentional.Update: Brian found this out, but forgot to post in his own FAQ--more attention, man!
Note: I got this, along with millions of unorganized stuff regarding references to the game--actually a text named: "get that crap organized, man!", and I know there's more to this document, including the name of whoever told Brian about Stephen King, so, if you know who's this person, please report it, and credit will be given. I already got two litres of coffee, smoked two packs of cigarrete, and i'm getting jitterbugs already, from spending time on this.
While Stephen King was a student at the University of Maine, he had a local reputation for being a particularly oddball columnist for the school paper, the Maine Campus (of which I was an editor for a while, albeit over 20 years after the fact). During one semester's finals week, the paper published a two-page, pull-out poster of a psycotically grinning King leveling a double-barrelled shotgun at the viewer, with the bold caption, "STUDY, DAMMIT!" I learned of this some years ago when King was speaking at some public function (he lives in Bangor, Maine, wher I used to live, where he performs random philanthropic acts while the local press swarms around him) and at one point held up a copy of this poster and told its story.
If you look closely at the newspaper vending machines about town, the headlines say "Bill Skins Fifth". I think this is a reference to Buffalo Bill from "Silence of the Lambs", and that the same headline appears in the film.
One of the many quaint little businesses in Silent Hill is named "The Horned Moon Dance". Sounds like some kind of new-age pagan hang out to me. Or maybe one of those "adult botique" shops.
Another business is simply named "Crabs". On the wall next to Crabs are posters for the movie "Pet Semetary".
There are a couple of businesses in town that cater to the hispanic population, one of them being "Virginia's Bodas: Servicio Completo de Bodas" (Complete wedding services). I thought this was very cool because it made the town feel that much more real to me, since in most American towns you will see a few businesses with spanish names that represent the Latino population. It's little touches like these that make the town feel like a real place, much more so than in any other game.
Update: two more latin businesses can be found around the Old SH area: one is a (probably) boutique shop called "El Encanto", near the Metropol theater, and the other is "Julio's Auto Parts", on the corner of Matheson with Levin.
Just north and west of the gas station, across the street from it, is a business called "JIM BEAM". The logo for the business is the label from the Jim Beam bottle. Too bad Harry can't go inside for a quick snort.
Also, the gas station itself is called "Hell" instead of "Shell", and the logo is a snail's shell. Pretty funny.
(And Brian just forgot a lil detail on the garage door he's about to mention: the Jack Daniel's label)
On the garage door just east of Jim Beam, the word REDRUM is written in blood (From "The Shining," MURDER spelled backwards, of course and that lil detail that Brian forgot...).
There are posters for what appear to be various bands scattered about town, such as PORTISHEAD, THE BIG BEAT, ULTRA, HYPE, etc. (Portishead is the only one I've heard of).
Update: Found by NINfreak. The Big Beat is a music magazine, where you can find this magazine, however, I am not sure. contributed by "MSH":"Unfortunately, I can't remember the exact location (but I'm reasonably sure it's near the church, or at least in the section of Silent Hill after the first boss) . . ."Actually, it's on the Southeast corner of Finney and Bachman in the beginning of the game.". . . but there's a business labelled "Metropol". The sign is the exact same sign (font and all) as the Metropol theatre sign from the film "Demons". (a famous Italian cult-classic about a theatre that becomes possessed with demons and traps all the audience within) Just another little tidbit of info in this elaborately detailed game"
Also, one thing I noticed when I went to take a closer look, there are posters all over the walls outside Metropol with a really demonic-looking woman's face on them. According to a reader review of the film on IMDB, a woman in the movie puts on a demon mask in the theater and becomes a real demon.
There are two odd looking outdoors at Matheson with Midwich: Both have the name "CITTA" written on them: one has a hand with a wristwatch holding a dark-skinned hand, with another hand seemingly wrapping some bandage around this dark-skinned hand. The other has three gloved hands holding something black and red (looks to me like a doll), with a third hand (with a wristwatch as well) touching it. Anyone?
Update: with the help of SH Cityzen, now we can know what I've said that looks like a doll; it's actually a blood pack. And those gloves are obviously rubber gloves, used in hospitals. Hmmm....
Update: Could be a reference to Philip Pullmans "His Dark Materials" trilogy, From Happy Tourist "this looks a lot like The Subtle Knife from the His Dark Materials book trilogy, there's a city in this book called Cittagazze where one of the main characters go to after crossing a dense strange mist that appeared after an opening is made for another world(a deserted world haunted by dark creep shadows I might add) there a dark-skinned boy, loses two fingers and is helped by his friend that has an spiritual animal in her arms most of the time (the bandage and doll part)"
On K. Gordon's house, as I walked by the dining room for the first time I've played the game--this is yours truly speaking--I nearly had a heart attack. There was a picture of an OWL right there in front of me. No, it's not that I'm afraid of owls, it's just that whoever knows David Lynch's Twin Peaks--either the TV series, or the movies, knows what I'm talking about. And they're not what they seem....And to our great camera man, Mr. SH Cityzen, it reminds him of Psycho. Pick your favorite, folks.
A long forgotten update--like I told you folks, I've lost the last edition of the guide/FAQ, but many folks, besides me, have spotted many boxes of a product called "Bash" on the convenience store on Bachman Rd. As soon as I've spotted it, I've remembered seeing it before (or maybe something that has a very similar name) on an episode of "Starsky and Hutch" (or maybe "Charlie's Angels", or "Baretta", etc., but you'll see the point) on a laundry shop. I've figured that it could be some sort of soap or fabric softener, used in the US of A. Nobody has confirmed that one for me in three years. Oh well.
Contributed by yours truly: How come nobody noticed the name of the bridge that links Old SH to central SH?
Well, there it is: Orridge Bridge. A reference (besides two more later in the game) to PsychicTV--which, I dunno why, Brian forgot to mention in here.
Here's my own original post at the Welcome To hell forums: (,if you wanna check it by yourself--copy and paste, sir)."Hellhorn (yes, I was that guy named Hellhorn)
Visitor (11/25/01 3:05:09 pm) Reply Re: PTV
It's true. The band that I'm talking about is Psychic TV, one of the grandaddies of industrial music. I'm particularly fond of that band, although they can also do very crappy stuff. The leader is an odd nut--as we can be--called Genesis P-Orridge (By the way, what's the name of the bridge that ties old SH to Central SH? That's right, sir. You can check that out near the stairs to the control room of the drawbridge.) "
Contributed by NINfreak aka Azraelazitgetz: The place where you find the Chainsaws has a familiar name: Cut-Rite Chainsaws. That's the name of the chainsaw store located in Austin, Texas, on "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2", with Dennis Hopper.
And yet another well known literary reference on the end of Bradbury Street--right there at the chasm: the Mark Twain Book & Gift Shop.
There are some posters about that say "Dog Kill (third word unreadable)". The picture of the dog below, however, looks more like a teddy bear, possibly the same ones that attack you in the sewer later on.
Update by Dustin Kelly: "Also about the poster part in Midwich. The poster says "Dog Kill Cat." (he extracted a .tim file with it from the cd, therefore he could see it clearer than in the game)
There is a poster that asks "Who are you?" in some of the classrooms. It's kind of creepy, for some reason.
There is a picture of a kid holding something over his head (or maybe hanging from a tree branch). His eyes are blacked out. Also creepy.
There are some pictures that are very hard to make out, but they look like someone either carrying a cross, or being raised up on one.
In the alternate school, there are several blue posters on the walls that say "NOTICE: HELL IS COMING". (one player on the message board saw one that said something like "NOTICE: . . . AND HELL CAME AFTER", but I haven't spotted it yet.)
Update: All these other posters that also have "NOTICE" written on them have only two words that are readable, so the feller above here was obviously on something. These words are: "You will". I needn't wonder what they're trying to say to Harry with these two words.
There are green posters throughout the game with faint writing that looks like "THE MARTIANS HAVE LANDED". Possibly a tribute to HG Wells' "War of the Worlds"Update, by Ralph Dula: "I never noticed the posters, but their presence would explain something I noticed in the UFO ending for Silent Hill 1. At the end of it, there are two still scenes: one of the alien blasting Harry, and the next of Harry being hit by the beam. The positioning of the characters and the expression on Harry's face are identical to two of the original Mars Attacks cards released in the 1960s, where a Martian is firing his weapon in the first card, and in the second we see the shot hitting a human."
In the Library reserve, there is a poster that says "A WOMAN CAME DOWN FROM THE PLANET VULCAN". Some people have thought it said "Klingons" instead of "A Woman". It is badly pixelized and hard to read. It looks like it says "Woman" to me, though, since there is also a woman's face below the text.
This was brought to my attention by Darkmage, CRS and others:
When you go into the stall in the girl's bathroom in the alternate elementary school, the one where you find the body and the shotgun, look at the writing in blood on the wall to the right. It says "Leonard Rhines The Monster Lurks". This triggers an event in the game where when you go to the library reserve later in that level, you will find a book by that title which talks about young girls generating poltergiest activity. This is a reference to Dean Koontz's "Phantoms", in which the main characters discover a message left behind in an abandoned town that says "Timothy Flyte the Ancient Enemy". This turns out to be the name of an author and book as well. Whether Leonard Rhines is a real person, or yet another literary reference in and of itself, is not yet known.
Contributed by NINfreak. In several rooms, there are numbers scattered around the walls. 9109 is just one of the many combinations, the letter A also seems to have the #9 superimposed in it at times.…what could it mean?
Contributed by “Pierceâ€. In one of the rooms, there is a picture of a demon with the word “mom†above it. This may be because Alessa thinks of her mother as a demon.Update: not quite "mom"....
Contributed by this guy on Gamefaqs--please man, I've lost the old updated FAQ, I need your name again:
Many paintings that can be seen in the school are actually part of the "Last Judgement" painting from Michelangelo. One of them is known as the "Damned man" (looks like a guy curling down), that can be found at the bottom of the painting. It's on one of the classrooms, I'm not sure which one, I'll check it out again.
And since I've decided to look a bit further, I've found another: Mr. J. himself waving his arm at the air at the Music room, 2nd floor.
Common knowledge, although Mr.Caliche was the one responsible to remind of this: posters for "Chicago News" on the Southeastern classroom--on the 1st floor, maybe the 2nd, there's one of these. The other one can be found at the library reserve.
Also common knowledge, and still the reason for yours truly to punish himself periodically: when Harry checks the list of teachers on the normal school, he mentions the names "Ranaldo, Moore, Gordon" (Gordon being K. Gordon, when he checks it again after the confrontation with the Lizard). These are Lee Ranaldo, Thurston Moore, and Kim Gordon, members of the band Sonic Youth. Thanks for Tom Vilela for reminding me of this.
It's well known that many of the things you can see at the school are adressed directly at Harrold. Somebody pointed this before, but completely wrong, so I've decided to fumble through my annotations and check it out: on the room with the huge fan, looking to the left, you can see a very messy poster that depicts (apparently) a face with the part of her eyes ripped off the poster. It says:
"Why you're here--
And on the Clock tower, there's a huge sign that says:
If you enter th--- world-----
------- -------n't come back"
Also, contributed by Kain Klarden: "I just noticed a sign in the "other" school. It's in the room with front doors, cages and a wheelchair. If you look above the door you just came in there's a sign:
must ----ever ---
with ----- caution"
Now you folks help me out and try figuring what are the complete sentences in these three, although one can notice that they're obviously not a good thing.
At the music sheet with the poem for the piano puzzle, you can easily notice that it's a chart for a song called "Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty", by The Moonriders. My endless searches on the net almost got me a breakdown, but I was finally able to find a text that wasn't in japanese, written by a fan--yes, Moonriders is a japanese band."Moon Riders is hard to simply classify as techno pop band since it has various elements. They moved from American Rock during Hachimitsu Pie period to Progressive Rock, Punk, New Wave and Techno and they were in the cutting edge of era with Modern Music approach. Unfortunately Japanese public except very few progressive and conscientious people were not able to catch up with Moon Riders. Their twisted pop-ness ridiculing the general public which is comparable to that of XTC is so delightful. Anyway, their music is very dense by absorbing the music from yesterday to today. I have most of their albums. I recommend you buy all of them or at least "Aozora Hyakkei" and "A. O. R." if not possible. Each member is active as solo, separate unit (Beatniks, Mio Fou, The Suzuki, Phyco Pearches, Art Port) and producer (Panta & HAL, Cinema, Halmens, Pearl Bros., Virgin VS, PSY'S, Princess Princess, etc.). I also show my appreciation to their contribution in exploring young musicians with the project like "Brightest Aquarium Workers"
There is a theater marquee that is hard to read because it's high up and there are trees in the way, but it seems to say "SHOOT" on the east side of the marquee (appropriate title for this game). In the center panel of the marquee it seems to say "EZEKIEL", possibly the theater's name?
Update: And on the other side, Mr. Crusher Dan...
In the police station, there is a poster that says "DRUGS" and shows a man's face that is half normal and half-skull. Kind of creepy looking, and reminiscent of the final scene in "Psycho" when a skull is superimposed over Norman Bate's face.
Across from the antique shop there are movie posters on the wall for "CARRIE", another Stephen King reference.
Also across the street from the antique shop is a place called "MUSHNIK'S FLORIST". If you look in the window, there is a little sign that says "Look on the PHANTASTIC new plant Audrey Junior". At first I thought this was a cryptic reference to the "White Claudia" drug that you see mentioned throughout the game. However, Daisy Sunshine from the silenthill.evil-online board pointed out that this is a reference to the film/play "The Little Shop of Horrors", which I had never seen before. "Audrey Junior" is apparently the name of the giant venus flytrap in the play.
This is kind of easy to spot, but I just thought I'd mention it. In the hidden room of the antique shop where you find the altar, the words "NO GOD" are scrawed across the wall.
Also easy to spot, but there is a KONAMI BURGER joint just west of the hospital.
Thanks to Laguu for these: -There are several posters for the Amusement Park in the Police Station.
-In the police station, there are posters of a man and a woman and on the top it says "WANTED." The woman and a man that keeps on getting mentioned in people's diaries-Dahlia and Kauffman anyone? (check out the "DRUGS" screenshot)-Right next to Konami Burger there is a Martial arts place with the title written in Chinese. The name of the place is "Bruce Lee" written in Chinese. Seems like our creators were also fans of Lee.
One out of three long lost updates by yours truly: On Sagan, you can notice yet another hispanic business on the corner of Sagan with Crichton: an amusingly mispelled No. 1 - Foto in 1 ora (Photos in one hour).
Following on on Sagan, you'll find what's seemingly an electronic equipment shop called Galaxy. Funny enough, SH team has decided to make a pun on a very well known company that makes electronic equipments: IWAI. Are you gonna tell me that you don't know what that company is? Check out the font used for it as well.
Lastly, something that's not really important, but is "A Moveable Feast" a name for a cafe? You tell me.Finally, someone came up to tell us some more about it, and it's our fellow JotaDe:"'A Moveable Feast' is a book by Ernest Hemmingway.
Basically it's a story documenting Hemmingway's life in Paris in the 1920's as he frequents many cafe's day in day out. He chronicles his life and the general lives of people who hang out at these cafes - which were obviously the hip place at the time.
<I read this in junior college in '95 and wasn't too fond of it, but I'm glad if I can help here>"For this reason it makes sense that this 'cafe' is called 'A Moveable Feast.'"
Oh, and one more: besides the Horned Moondance on Old SH, there's also a Disco Moondance at Simmons, on the south west part of the street.
Also, at last but not least, pointed out some time ago by Laguu, just click the next screenshots to see where the SH team has taken inspiration for the Gillespie's house--as shown in the beginning of the game: the Olson home, at Cushing, Maine, on which Andrew Wyeth, the painter, lived in and got his inspiration for Christina's World.From Jackie Craven, here's a bit of info on the house itself:"The Olson Home was built in the 1700s by the Hathornes, a seafaring family. In 1871, Captain Samuel Hathorne IV replaced the old hip roof with a pitched roof and added several bedrooms on the third floor. A half century later, his descendants, the Olsons, invited the young Andrew Wyeth to use one of the upstairs rooms as a part-time studio.'I just couldn't stay away from there', Wyeth once remarked. "It was Maine."Wyeth used his upstairs studio for 30 years, and featured the house in many paintings and lithographs. He captured stark rooms, austere mantels, and somber rooftop views.Everyone knows that old houses take on the personalities of their owners, but Wyeth knew something more. 'In the portraits of that house, the windows are eyes or pieces of the soul, almost,' he said years later. 'To me, each window is a different part of Christina's life.'Christina Olson died in 1969. She had lived in the house her entire life. Neighbors say she had no idea that her small world had become famous.Over the next twenty years, the house changed hands several times. For awhile there was nervous speculation that it would become yet another bed and breakfast inn. One owner, movie mogul Joseph Levine, brought in Hollywood set builders to 'authenticate' the place by spraying its rooms with fake cobwebs and weathering the facade so it resembled the building Wyeth painted. Finally, the house sold to John Sculley, former CEO of Apple Computer Inc., and Lee Adams Sculley. In 1991 they gave it to the Farnsworth Art Museum in nearby Rockland."
One of the posters seen throughout the hospital looks like a breast cancer self-exam poster. There seems to be a woman with an exposed left breast, her hand covering her right one.
The poster of the nurse has text that is very hard to read. I can't make out the middle word at all, but the first and third words seems to say "Last," and then "Life" or "Live" or maybe "Alive". This may be a cryptic message referring to Lisa, who is a nurse and the last one left alive in the hospital. Or maybe I'm just reading waaaay to much into these things :)Update, found by NINfreak: I presume the text says, "Lust for life", the title of an Iggy Pop song featured on the "Trainspotting" OST. The "outtakes" at the end of the game give you the clue that the designers were fans of the film.
There is a calendar, with a picture of what looks like a little girl with short dark hair. Possibly a reference to Cheryl/young Alessa.
Sometimes when you fight with and kill the posessed doctors, they let out a little grunting sound that reminds me of comedian Tim Allen from "Tool Time". You know, that little "Uuuungh?" sound he makes. I just thought that was very funny.
This was first pointed out by "EtherGhost":"The (hospital) 4th floor was quite spooky, mostly because I thought: what? I can't enter any of the 3 floors? ok, I'll go down to check out what I am missing and suddenly there was 4th button. I thought: what is THIS doing here? and it scared me a lot because I remembered that THERE IS NO 4TH FLOOR IN JAPAN because 4 sounds like "dead" in Japanese and I thought: oh my God, something really bad is going to happen after pushing this button."I'd never heard of this Japanese superstition before so I did a little searching on the web. Sure enough, I found the following:"The number four: The number is pronounced "shi". The word for death is pronounced the same. One should not give presents that consits of four pieces, etc. In some hotels and hospitals the room or floor number four does not exist."Interesting that they would mention Hospitals.
Yet another funny, but very interesting update by Moeru: on Japan, the penis gland is referred to as a "turtle head". And Harry just finds the plate of the Turtle on the men's bathroom--where else?
On the subject of the plates required to open the door at the laundry room, second floor, they are obviously references to Lewis Carroll's "Alice In Wonderland". There's a plate with a "Mock Turtle", a "Cheshire Cat", a "Queen of Hearts" and the good old Mad Hatter. Ho-hum.
There is a place called SOUTH PARK on the map - the one town in America that is possibly more bizarre than Silent Hill.
In Norman's Motel, there is a poster that looks like one of the old Farrah Fawcett poster that used to grace every boy's wall back in the late seventies.
When you look at the newspaper on the table, take a close look at the magazine
beneath it. It looks like a porno mag, and, if I'm not mistaken, there is a nude woman kneeling on the cover.
I originally thought that Kaufman’s motel room (#3) was the same one Janet Leigh got stabbed in in the film "Psycho". However, I’ve since learned that it was actually room #1 in the film. However, if you do look in the tub in Kaufman’s room, it says "Nobody inside". It would have been cool to find a trickle of blood in there or something. Or maybe find a grey-haired wig on the bathroom floor, like the one Norman wore when he was pretending to be mother. (If you’ve never seen Psycho, my apologies. I recommend you rent the original, although I guess I just gave away an important part of the plot).5) More from Laguu: In the motorcycle room of the Motel there are 2 "SCREEM" batteries on the shelf next to the motorcycle. Now do Screem batteries really exist or is it just another reminder to Harry that he's in Bates' motel?
-In the Indian Runner you can see boxes scattered about that says, "Fedy-X Express" (there was another "d" in here, it's gone now) instead of the usual FedX. I thought this was pretty cute.
Before you go through Alessa's room and into the final battle, there is a ghostly scene you watch in the room just across the hall, where Dahlia Gillespie, Kaufmann, and two others are standing around Alessa's hospital bed and discussing their evil plans. What I find funny about this scene is that one of the other characters sounds almost EXACTLY like the Doctor Mephisto character from "South Park". (If you don't watch Souh Park, my apologies since you'll have no clue what I'm talking about).Update: and the third person that can be heard in this conversation sounds um...a bit familiar, doesn't it? It's Michael G, the man who did the voice for Harrold in the game. Very lousy job, Mr. G.
In Alessa's room, at the foot of her bed, there are two creepy looking dolls that look like a cross between Alien greys (the kind that abduct you on the UFO ending) and the little white hooded demon children from the school.Not to mention scattered cards on the floor, a collection of moths and butterflies, and quite interesting drawings on the floor as well...
This was pointed out by a very keen "Doctor Fell":"Yes, I did pick up on the 'Psycho' reference in the motel room in the resort part of SH.
But...did anyone else notice another, perhaps more subtle, reference to the same Hitchcock film, namely the ghostly scene Harry witnesses just after he exits the child's room in Nowhere(just before he battles Samael in the end)? When he closes the door behind him he finds himself in a second floor hallway, a door on the left, another one before him on the right, stairs leading down to Samael. Anyone who has seen 'Psycho' should recognize this hallway's uncanny resemblance to the second story landing in Norman Bates's large house. It's the scene in which the insurance investigator slowly walks up the stairs, only to be slashed by Norman's 'mother'. SH got this hallway eerily spot on, even the downward camera angle."
Contributed by “1 Lost Silent Hill Touristâ€. In the room that is identical to a classroom in the school, a picture on the wall looks similar to the raising of a cross (crucifixion?) –note-NINfreak-this is also seen in the Midwich school rooms.
And once again back into the subject of Psychic TV, this is the last part of yours truly's post on the Welcome to Hell Forums (and let's also remember that the newspaper that Harry reads on Haerbey Inn mentions the name of a drug called PTV--I'll say no more)
"On the boxes located on the room where Lisa fades away, though, just use the self view option an, with Dennis Hopper.
And yet another well known literary reference on the end of Bradbury Street--right there at the chasm: the Mark Twain Book d you'll see it clearly, written on the rusty boxes on the shelves: Psychic TV.But these are nothing short of a collection of little curios about the game, I guess. I'm not sure if it adds any pounds to the story's plot. But then again, I might be wrong. Or both. Too bad for too much thinking, huh? Even worser if I tell ya that this band has turned itself into some sort of religion--no bull, I'm serious. Check it out."Note from the responsible for the updates and addendums:All that I've done in here was either my own knowledge, or what I should say, thanks to Google? And of course, to SH Cityzen--you're the man, buddy.
This is NOT the complete FAQ, as it has also a section dedicated to a walkthrough. You can find it on GameFAQs.
Not updated, though. Brian gave me the permission to pick up the "secrets" part of the FAQ, and he's working on another one for SH2. He told me he would show up in here. I hope he does.Here's Brian's last words to wrap it up:That's all I've seen so far. One of the many things I love about this game is that I seem to spot something new every time I play it. I'm probably going to have to take a hiatus from Silent Hill once I finish my current game, but if I find any more I'll be sure to add them.Update: that has been done.
And if you guys have more to add to it, then by all means, do it. (that's what the PM and the forums are for, right?) last addition by yours truly, contributed by "Lovemix":Kaufman (City)
Mason (City, County)
Gillespie (County)
Bennet (Town)
Garland (City)All of these are actual places in Texas.Could be a meaningless coincidence, but then again...And lastly, one more from Laguu: "Oh and one other thing, if you look up Kauffman in German you'll see that it means: Merchandiser, trader, dealer, being a few... Obviously having something to do with WC."Hmmmmm.....And yet another addition--as if there weren't enough additions, from FullMetalJacket:"I've never seen this posted anywhere else and I just thought it interesting. But the name Gillespie is the name of the sheriff in the Stephen King book Salems Lot. A book about a small town being taken over by evil, but with a slightly different concept than the silent hill games."There you go, yet another Stephen King reference.
**Mod Edit: F is no longer a member here so please do not PM him. If you have something you wish to add, please contact another member of current staff. Dead photo links have been removed.**
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