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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
Over two decades since its debut, the cult classic “28 Days Later” is poised for a sequel. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, the creative forces behind the original film, are joining forces once again for “28 Years Later.” The film will hit studios, streamers, and other potential buyers later this week. Both Boyle and Garland will take out the package and handle the sale. This highly anticipated sequel not only revives the iconic franchise but also holds the potential to kickstart a trilogy if it garners success.
- Hits: 71

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
The subject of Hell incorporated in horror films has always been an area of intrigue. While we can make assumptions about what this dreaded place might look or be like, the mere thought of a single location dedicated to evil and darkness has always been food for nightmares. There are films that lean towards the biblical interpretation and those that lean towards the unsettling festering chaos. All in all it has long been a perfect subject for the fantastical proving alot of creative freedom to generations of movie makers.
- Hits: 73

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
- Hits: 66

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
Sat in the dark with a bowl of popcorn, you sit still as your worst nightmares come to life in the latest sequel in your favorite cinematic universe. The best horror franchises are defined by their recurring characters and themes. You hear the name Freddy Krueger and A Nightmare on Elm Street comes to mind. These familiar villains are why fans return to the best horror movie franchises. Below, I brave the horror world to bring you the top horror movie series.
- Hits: 66

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
Welcome to the ninth annual mega list of movies you may have missed! Hurrah for more movies, movies and lists! Check out where you can find these films on JustWatch.
- Hits: 61

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Movies
Someone on Twitter was amused that I referred to "14 year old BC" as if he was a different person, but in many ways "he" is. Not only have my sensibilities changed, but my entire life is different. Case in point: I couldn't convince my mom to drive me to the theater to see In The Mouth of Madness when it came out in theaters, and thus the first time I got to see it in 35mm is when I hosted a screening with the film's producer (Sandy King, who came again for last night's Vampires - thanks to everyone who attended!). Thus, when I revisit movies I didn't like as a kid, I often find myself appreciating them more, because not only is my life completely different and my tastes have vastly changed/"matured", but I'm also looking at them from the perspective of someone who at least knows WHY a movie can turn out bad. However, Brainscan is not one of those movies.
- Hits: 73