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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Comics + Mags
Mission and Disclaimer: The mission of Comic Book Plus is to present completely free of charge, and to the widest possible audience, popular cultural works of the past. These records are offered as a contribution to education and lifelong learning. They are historical documents reflecting the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. We at Comic Book Plus do not endorse the views expressed in these, which may contain content offensive to modern users.
- Hits: 37

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Comics + Mags
Check out some Eibon Press promotional videos and trailers for a more detailed look at our unique and amazing comics!
- Hits: 37

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Comics + Mags
The Gore Gazette was a typed, Xeroxed and (initially) free fanzine dedicated to supporting the kinds of films overlooked by the mainstream. Twisted horror, import sleaze, drug expose, toilet humor, and of course lots of gore. All the ingredients of a life spent slithering from one 42nd Street grindhouse to the next. It was written, edited and published by Rick Sullivan out of New Jersey. He haunted the screens of New York's infamous 42nd Street (or "The Deuce") and also the seedier screens of New Jersey (most notably the infamous Fabian Theater in Paterson, NJ). When reading through this feature keep in mind that the GG was published at a time before the internet, before special edition double-disc dvds (with commentary), before soccer moms knew what the term "grindhouse" meant! Back when a film like Cannibal Holocaust played in a few theaters, for a few weeks, in a few cities and then disappeared! If you wanted to see the film in it's uncut form again the wait would be 20 years! If you missed it on "The Deuce"... it was a long wait. Zines like Gore Gazette, Sleazoid Express, Psychotronic, Slimetime, The Splatter Times and many others were in the trenches to report what was happening. So it's worth remembering some devoted publishers who didn't have the IMDB, Video Watchdog and a Blu-ray player to help out as they wrote film reviews. To paraphrase a little from Criswell in Plan 9 From Outer Space: "You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable. That is why you are here. And now for the first time we are bringing to you the full story of what happened. We are giving you all the evidence based only on the secret testimony of the miserable souls who survived this terrifying ordeal. The incidents, the places - we cannot keep this a secret any longer. My friend, can your heart stand the shocking facts about..."
- Hits: 34

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Comics + Mags
When you hear the words Doctor Butcher M.D., several different thoughts can be going through your head. Those few simples words may bring back images of the 1982 premiere at many of the seedy 42nd street theatres, or the flatbed Butcher mobile driving up and down the streets of Jersey and Manhattan. Posters of the mad doctor fill the walls of the old movie house. Cheesy lobby cards lie to your right on a little stool as you walk past the concession stand. The smell of cheap cigars, stale whiskey, and schwag fill your nostrils as you enter the room where the movie is about to begin. You walk through the rows of seats hoping to find one without a partially used syringe or dampened with fluid from someone who watched the latest John Holmes film an hour earlier. Once the movie begins all your fears and paranoia start to go away. Your sucked into the dementia of bad acting, cheesy effects, and the long legs of Alexandra Delli Colli.
- Hits: 55

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Comics + Mags
Introducing the eerie world of public domain classic horror comics! Delve into a realm where the shadows dance with malevolence, and the pages whisper tales of terror that have captivated audiences for generations. These timeless comics, now in the public domain, offer a chilling glimpse into the macabre imaginations of their creators. From haunted houses to supernatural beings, from ancient curses to modern monsters, these stories evoke spine-tingling thrills that have stood the test of time. Join us as we embark on a journey through the crypts of horror comics history, where each turn of the page reveals a new nightmare lurking in the darkness, waiting to ensnare the unsuspecting reader.
- Hits: 54

- Details
- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Comics + Mags
Introducing the eerie world of public domain classic horror comics! Delve into a realm where the shadows dance with malevolence, and the pages whisper tales of terror that have captivated audiences for generations. These timeless comics, now in the public domain, offer a chilling glimpse into the macabre imaginations of their creators. From haunted houses to supernatural beings, from ancient curses to modern monsters, these stories evoke spine-tingling thrills that have stood the test of time. Join us as we embark on a journey through the crypts of horror comics history, where each turn of the page reveals a new nightmare lurking in the darkness, waiting to ensnare the unsuspecting reader.
- Hits: 73

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- Written by: Gary Johnston
- Category: Comics + Mags
Oh no, those two evil Kanderians Knar(male) and Fhin(female) have opened fire!
- Hits: 51